MOOVE offers


Want to try out on-demand aviation?
Take advantage of an empty flight
800 €/flight
(from / to - 70%)
Empty leg
  • Take your team or family on a one-way trip
  • up to 70% off
  • With Smartlegfinder search technology
  • Built-in alerts for these "last-minute" options


Do you travel occasionally?
Charter from
2400€/flight hour
(4.5 €/km)
  • Access to commercial operators with adapted aircraft
  • Without commitment.
  • With an integrated comparison tool
  • Intelligent planning


Do you manage several aircraft?
Do you already own an aircraft?
450 €/month
(Management software & sales 2.0)
SaaS tools
  • Optimize the marketing of your aircraft with branded applications
  • Manage your flight department digitally
  • Simplify flight sharing with your colleagues

Are you an operator?

Website Booking Widget - Pax & Owner App - 360° Direct Sales System

Arise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logo
100% Flexible

Pilatus PC12 NGX

Take-off distance: 757 meters

For your occasional flights or your regular trips, Moove allows you to travel at the best price in partnership with leading operators.

Our digital approach allows you to better plan your trips with the assurance of a total readability on the economic and ecological costs.

Piaggio Avanti

Maximum speed: 740 km/h

King Air 350

Crossable distance: 4200 km

Looking for a more accessible route?

Discover the empty flights option with integrated return solution